Hear My Voice is a transformative coaching programme developed by Venn Academy Trust to empower both staff and pupils. Centred around key principles of self-awareness and personal growth, the programme encourages individuals to understand themselves better, enabling them to make informed and confident decisions in both their professional and personal lives. By fostering these qualities, Hear My Voice creates a supportive environment where people can thrive, unlocking their full potential and contributing positively to their community.

At Venn, we’ve embedded a coaching culture rooted in the principles of Hear My Voice. Managers use these coaching techniques to nurture talent, enhance performance, and build meaningful relationships within their teams. This approach not only drives professional development but also promotes collaboration and resilience, ensuring that everyone feels valued and supported. By investing in this programme, we aim to create a culture of empowerment and excellence across our Trust, benefiting both staff and the pupils we serve.

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Make good choices

We believe that the choices an individual makes determines their future, and the purpose of developing good character is the ability to make good choices.

Character allows us to flourish as individuals, and as a wider society.  At Venn, we hold that character development and academic achievement should jointly constitute the primary goals of education, as highlighted by philosophical and historical figures like Lao Tzu and Martin Luther King Jr.

Implementation of Character Education

We understand that there is no one-size-fits-all method for delivering character education. It should be tailored to meet the specific needs of the children and the community it serves.

However, for character education to be transformative, it must be planned, intentional, and fully integrated across the entire school or organisation. Only through such comprehensive embedding can character truly be taught, caught, and sought, as advocated by the Association for Character Education.

The Venn HearmyVoice Curriculum

In collaboration with HmV, Venn has developed a system that includes a diagnostic survey to identify key values and a ‘satisfaction’ score among pupils. Our bespoke ‘VennHmV’ curriculum guides pupils through these values, helping them to apply them in their daily school and home life.

Our behaviour and reward system is closely tied to these values, supporting and recognising pupils for demonstrating them. Our assemblies and a robust online suite of resources further nurture our community of value education, helping pupils to see their roles in a broader context.

Empirical Research and Development

The HmV program incorporates insights from notable theories including Marc Zimmerman’s theory of empowerment, Michel Foucault’s theory of disciplinary power, and recent research by Dr Witham on self-regulation. A study conducted by Professor Jonathan Glazzard and Dr Kelly Dockerty from the University of Hull in 2024 assessed the impact of our interventions on pupil well-being, indicating significant positive outcomes.

Impact on Pupils

Griffin Primary School

Louise Pitts, Principal at Griffin Primary School, emphasised the value of the Hear My Voice programme for Year 5 pupils. The programme encouraged pupils to reflect on their emotional strengths and areas for improvement through initial diagnostics and subsequent interventions. The following outcomes were highlighted:

Pupils gained self-awareness and the ability to manage their emotions effectively.

Transition preparation for Year 6 pupils was enhanced through strengthened coping mechanisms.

Continued use of key strategies by pupils beyond the programme, supporting resilience and maturity.

Jade, a Year 5 class teacher, observed noticeable improvements, particularly in the areas of empathy and mindfulness. Key outcomes included:

  • Increased ability of pupils to identify and express their feelings.
  • Development of positive communication and conflict resolution skills.
  • Creation of a safe space where pupils felt valued and heard.

Pupils expressed their thoughts on the programme:

  • “It helps me to express my feelings to give me a better mindset.”
  • “I have enjoyed every single lesson doing this and getting better with my mental health.”

Molly Fletcher, Director of Curriculum and Learning, further highlighted how the programme enhanced emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills, resulting in:

  • Improved emotional resilience.
  • Open communication and better problem-solving abilities.
  • Stronger, more positive relationships within classrooms.

Impact on Staff

Whitehouse Pupil Referral Unit

Jake Thompson, Principal at Whitehouse PRU, shared how the HmV programme transformed staff development and motivation:

Regular 1:1 coaching sessions provided staff with reflective opportunities, leading to personalised professional growth.

Increased staff confidence and goal-setting, contributing to career progression and internal promotions.

95% of participants reported feeling empowered and listened to, with 90% stating they made a meaningful difference through the programme.

The positive outcomes have strengthened the entire school community, improving morale and creating a better learning environment for pupils.

Brooke Primary Academy

Lee Farrand, Deputy Principal, discussed the role of the HmV leadership programme in refining leadership skills:

Diagnostic questionnaires provided insightful reports on leadership strengths and growth areas.

Ongoing coaching sessions allowed leaders to set and achieve realistic development goals.

Sharing leadership targets with senior staff led to collaborative support and enhanced outcomes.

“The school provides high-quality nurture and skilled support, ensuring pupils flourish both academically and personally.”

The Venn Boulevard Centre, Ofsted

“The school’s inclusive ethos ensures that every child feels valued, supported, and able to thrive.”

New Pastures Primary School, Ofsted

“The school provides a safe and supportive environment for pupils with a range of additional needs.”

Whitehouse Pupil Referral Unit , Ofsted

“Parents and carers appreciate the school’s focus on building strong relationships and engaging with the wider community.”

New Pastures Primary School, Ofsted

“Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the school and the difference it has made to their children.”

The Sullivan Centre, Ofsted

“Relationships between staff and pupils are extremely caring and positive. Pupils feel safe and supported, preparing them well for life beyond school.”

The Venn Boulevard Centre, Ofsted

“There is a strong sense of teamwork among staff, which contributes to the school’s positive ethos.”

Thorpepark Academy, Ofsted

“The school provides a highly nurturing environment where pupils feel valued and supported.”

Bridgeview Special School, Ofsted

“Pupils are happy and enjoy their learning.”

Griffin Primary School, Ofsted

“They are committed to including all pupils in the school and work hard to ensure that they achieve well.”

Griffin Primary School, Ofsted

“Leaders are ambitious for every pupil and provide a curriculum that meets their diverse needs.”

Thorpepark Academy, Ofsted

“Teachers help every pupil do their best. The staff know pupils’ needs extremely well and tailor learning to enable all pupils to thrive.”

Euler Academy, Ofsted

“The school is a vibrant and welcoming place where pupils feel safe and supported.”

Marshland Primary Academy, Ofsted

“Staff work effectively together to create a caring and inclusive environment where all pupils are valued.”

Brooke Primary Academy, Ofsted

“Parents appreciate the school’s efforts to engage with families and build strong community links.”

Brooke Primary Academy, Ofsted

“Pupils are eager to learn and enjoy a curriculum that is both engaging and broad, supporting their academic and personal growth.”

Mountbatten Primary School, Ofsted

“The school’s values of ‘confidence, resilience and perseverance’ shine through the curriculum and the positive attitudes of staff and pupils.”

The Venn Boulevard Centre, Ofsted

“Parents value the commitment of staff in helping their children to succeed.”

Whitehouse Pupil Referral Unit , Ofsted

“Pupils love learning at this school. Each morning, friendly staff greet children at the door with big smiles. This creates a welcoming and positive environment for all pupils.”

Euler Academy , Ofsted

“Strong leadership ensures that all pupils make excellent progress in their learning and personal development.”

The Sullivan Centre, Ofsted

“The school expects great things from all pupils. They successfully meet these goals and make superb progress in their understanding of different subjects.”

Euler Academy, Ofsted

“Leaders have high expectations of pupils. Staff share a determination to help children succeed.”

Griffin Primary School, Ofsted

“Teachers have high expectations, which encourages pupils to strive for their best.”

Marshland Primary Academy, Ofsted

“Leaders consider teachers’ workload. This helps teachers to focus on planning interesting lessons.”

Mountbatten Primary School, Ofsted

“Leaders are determined to provide pupils with the best possible start to their education, ensuring that all pupils achieve well.”

New Pastures Primary School, Ofsted

“Staff are skilled at helping pupils to re-engage with their learning and make good progress.”

Whitehouse Pupil Referral Unit , Ofsted

“Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary, and they show a strong sense of belonging to the school community.”

Thorpepark Academy, Ofsted

“Pupils thrive in a nurturing and inclusive environment.”

The Sullivan Centre, Ofsted

“There is a strong team culture within the school. Teachers who are new to the school welcome the support they receive.”

Mountbatten Primary School, Ofsted

“The curriculum is designed to ensure that all children make progress in their learning.”

Brooke Primary Academy, Ofsted

“Highly effective and passionate leaders, from in school and the trust, work well together to ensure that pupils in this school make very strong progress from their varied starting points.”

Bridgeview Special School, Ofsted

“Leaders ensure that the curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of all pupils, enabling them to succeed academically and personally.”

Bridgeview Special School, Ofsted

“Pupils are enthusiastic learners and enjoy the varied and engaging curriculum on offer.”

Marshland Primary Academy, Ofsted